Pictures of my daughter

Here are a few pictures of my daughter Katherine Jane Wilkes, born at University College Hospital on 27 Feburary 2001 at 22:40. She was born by Ceserian section - I could hear a radio playing 'When will I see you again' by The Three Degrees as she was born. Hopefully, her taste in music will recover in time. Click on the images to get the full size picture.
Here is a short clip of Katherine at her 2nd birthday party.

Katherine's first scan
Katherine's second scan

The first scan : 04/07/2000

The second scan : 29/09/2000

Katherine at 10 minutes old Katherine at about 11 minutes old



Proud dad with daughter (18k)

Proud mum with daughter (165k)
Taken by Theresa - far too good for me!

Cute Katherine
Katherine Sneering Kate and Jennifer
Mam and Katherine
Katherine and Jenny

"Are you lookin' at me?"

My Mam, trying her best to interest Katherine in a flower.
Katherine and Jenny - This is to show that Katherine does own some dresses...
Kewl Katherine.

"Let's go to work...."

© 2001 Barry Wilkes <>